Tomorrow we head for Mahon!
Global Location Data
Latitude: 39.936786
Longitude: 3.958138
Accuracy: 5.0 meters
Altitude: 5.0 meters
Accuracy: 6.0 meters
Timestamp: 2012-03-27 15:12:40
Google Maps:,3.958138E
Tomorrow we head for Mahon!
Global Location Data
Latitude: 39.936786
Longitude: 3.958138
Accuracy: 5.0 meters
Altitude: 5.0 meters
Accuracy: 6.0 meters
Timestamp: 2012-03-27 15:12:40
Google Maps:,3.958138E
The entrance to the bay that the marina is in was sketchy to say the least! There was 1.5m swell being channelled into an opening of about 50m wide with nasty looking rocks on both sides, once we had surfed the waves into the bay the depth dropped of to 0.3 in the channel approaching the marina! We tied off to the fuel dock and went to find a marinera to direct us to our berth for the night. He directed us down one of the narrowest marina channels I have seen yet, at some points we could almost touch the bow rollers of the boats lining both sides! He assured me the channel was deep enough for our 2.2m, he left out that at some points it was only 2.3m, 10cm clearance is not a lot! I am going to try and video our exit tomorrow!
Global Location Data
Latitude: 39.372733
Longitude: 3.222713
Accuracy: 5.0 meters
Altitude: -10.0 meters
Accuracy: 3.0 meters
Timestamp: 2012-03-23 19:16:43
Google Maps:,3.222713E
Now we are sitting in a bar on the beach drinking well deserved cold ones!
On to Cala D'Or tomorrow!
Global Location Data
Latitude: 39.363216
Longitude: 2.955678
Accuracy: 5.0 meters
Altitude: 8.0 meters
Accuracy: 3.0 meters
Timestamp: 2012-03-22 16:13:40
Google Maps:,2.955678E
We have had to turn around and sail back to a small bay off Dragonera due to getting a fishing net wrapped around our prop. We are currently under sail in ten knots of wind and making about four. The wind is right on the nose so it's gonna take us the rest of the night to get back! Anchoring under just sail should be fun too! Personally I blame Lee & Serena for giving us some of there pot luck! Lol.
Global Location Data
Latitude: 39.686247
Longitude: 2.261408
Accuracy: 5.0 meters
Altitude: -6.0 meters
Accuracy: 8.0 meters
Timestamp: 2012-03-13 22:09:45
Google Maps:,2.261408E
We left at 1600 local time and should be there in around 18 hours. I'll blog our position when I can, but mobile service is pretty dodgy!
Global Location Data
Latitude: 39.629942
Longitude: 2.295594
Accuracy: 5.0 meters
Altitude: -5.0 meters
Accuracy: 3.0 meters
Timestamp: 2012-03-13 16:27:27
Google Maps:,2.295594E
Latitude: 39.547535
Longitude: 2.387169
Accuracy: 5.0 meters
Altitude: -21.0 meters
Accuracy: 6.0 meters
Timestamp: 2012-03-12 14:01:26
Google Maps:,2.387169E
There is quite a lot of roll going on in the bay at the moment, so it could be an interesting night! I am finally starting to trust our new anchor more and more with each use, hopefully soon I'll be like Super Steve and only wake up with nightmares of dragging anchors whilst safely berthed in a marina!
I'll let you know how it goes!
Global Location Data
Latitude: 39.472281
Longitude: 2.520430
Accuracy: 5.0 meters
Altitude: -4.0 meters
Accuracy: 4.0 meters
Timestamp: 2012-03-02 16:26:45
Google Maps:,2.520430E
Latitude: 39.532347
Longitude: 2.586853
Accuracy: 5.0 meters
Altitude: -12.0 meters
Accuracy: 8.0 meters
Timestamp: 2012-03-01 14:22:26
Google Maps:,2.586853E